click to enlarge Chicken-Fried News: High steaks
Ingvard Ashby

Gov. Kevin Stitt is getting to work on the big issues. The first piece of legislation he signed into law was “constitutional carry” in February. Since, he has approved more than 300 other laws dealing with medical cannabis, abortion, agency autonomy and, well, guns again. But one piece stands above the pack, proving Stitt’s “top 10” rhetoric is no joke.

That is right; Stitt finally approved the rib-eye as Oklahoma’s official steak. That will surely make us a top 10 state, right?

“It’s been a long hard road boys,” a Reddit user wrote without a hint of sarcasm. “There were times I thought we might lose to the porterhouse. I’m not gonna lie. But tonight we raise our forks in absolute triumph as the rib-eye is finally and officially the State Steak of Oklahoma. Congratulations everybody.”

Congratulations everybody, indeed. Despite educators continuously asking for more necessary funding and hundreds of Oklahomans urging for expanded health care, Stitt is clearly listening to the people. Maybe not everyday Oklahomans struggling with their children’s education, affordable health care, housing or just making ends meet, but other politicians and lobbyists for sure.

State Sen. Casey Murdock, R-Felt, authored the bill because immortalizing the rib-eye would be good for tourism and the restaurant industry, according to a 2018 report by KFOR.

“Hands down, the rib-eye is the most flavorful steak there is,” Murdock told KFOR this year. “This is a way to promote this industry and the contribution they make to our state’s economy — and our dinner table.”

Fine; we will admit that this can probably somehow boost our already good cattle and agriculture industry, but surely there are better ways to directly improve it. Though it would be a much better use of Murdock’s floor time to address the many concerns keeping us from being a top 10 state, at least this is a harmless law. Too bad the rib-eye does not pair well with our state vegetable, the watermelon.

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