Chicken-Fried News: Litter alert


How many cats does it take for one to qualify as a crazy cat person? Two? Five? Maybe 10 or 12?

Those numbers are small kibble compared to what one Midwest City woman was recently able to accumulate. According to a recent story by KOCO News 5, Central Oklahoma Humane Society is currently looking for new homes for 52 cats found living in a woman’s home.

The woman did not want to be identified or speak on camera, but she did tell the local news station that she rescued all the animals because she cares deeply for them.

“I just like cats,” she said in an off-camera quote.

We here at Chicken-Fried News are not sure “like” is quite enough to cover 52 cats. Was she trying to collect enough cats to start a new feline paradise somewhere far removed from mankind? You know, we’ve thought about that in the past, too. But even Noah knew to stop at just two of every animal.

The woman also told KOCO that she had no idea how many cats were living in her home.

“I just like cats, and cats multiply a lot,” she said. “Quite fast.”

Oh, so that’s what this is: a cat brothel. We’re not sure just how fast cats can procreate, but we will take the word of a woman who has lived with more cats than there are states in the U.S. as the authority on that subject.

As of Feb. 14, 31 of the cats were receiving treatment in Central Oklahoma Humane Society custody. The rest are in Midwest City Animal Shelter, and some might be adopted.

The woman in question does not face any criminal charges. And even if she were, it is unlikely she would have faced a punishment any worse than sharing a house with more than four dozen strays.

Print headline: Litter alert

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