Counterpoint: Preserving traditional marriage

For centuries, traditional marriage has been the bedrock institution of society, providing stability and sustainability. Only traditional marriage produces children, which perpetuates future generations.

While same-sex couples can adopt or be inseminated, this is not the norm. For posterity, society has a vested interest in preserving traditional marriage. Countless studies prove that children thrive best when reared in a home with a mother and a father. Children need the unique qualities that each gender brings into the nurturing process. Also, a monogamous relationship between a man and a woman helps to protect from STDs.

Biology is important in the same-sex marriage debate. It doesn't take a genius to know that a man's and a woman's body parts naturally fit together. The anatomy of opposite sexes was made to complement each other. Two men or two women can't physically complement one another. There are also other differences between the sexes than just physical. Emotional and psychological differences exist. A man cannot meet all the needs of another man and vice versa.

Homosexuals say same-sex marriage is their civil right, comparing their quest for marriage equality to blacks in their struggle for equality. But homosexuals have always had all the rights of citizenship, unlike blacks. They can vote, own property, hold a job. They've never been bought and sold as slaves, or had separate bathrooms or drinking fountains. Homosexuality is not self-evident the way black is.

Homosexuality is not inborn. If it were, from which parent was it inherited? No validated scientific study has ever proven there is a "gay gene." Everyone is equal and worthy of respect, but not all ideas or behaviors are equal. Granting legal status to a behavior is wrong. Is adultery morally equal to fidelity?

The Bible gives a historical perspective of marriage. In Genesis, chapters one and two, God created one man and one woman and told them to multiply. Thus, the institutions of marriage and family were established, and God's standard for all time was set. Since mankind rebelled against God, his standard is often broken, causing misery and pain.

The book "Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality" reinterprets Scripture to support homosexuality. The book is contrary to historical Christianity and sound biblical interpretation. It does not change God's standard.

In Matthew 19:4-5, Jesus affirmed the Genesis account and upheld marriage as between one man and one woman. The high divorce rate among heterosexuals is no more pleasing to God than same-sex marriage. Jesus' silence on homosexuality is not an endorsement of it. He also said nothing about rape, incest, drugs or pedophilia. Surely, these aren't acceptable?

Marriage is more than just an institution for romantic love, adult convenience or social acceptability. To redefine it is to make it something different. Same-sex marriage will devalue marriage and weaken society. This has been proven in Norway, where the rates of traditional and same-sex marriage have declined and the number of out-of-wedlock births has increased since same-sex marriage was legalized.

Granting marriage status to homosexuals who comprise little more than 3 percent of the population would be like granting all applicants admission to a prestigious college just because a few meet the qualifications. That school's status would fall. Likewise, the status of marriage will fall if same-sex marriage is legalized.

Scott Jones' view: Equal protection under the law

Rep. Kern, a Republican in Oklahoma City, serves House District 84.

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