Couple started small, but amateur collectors ended up with impressive assembly

to their decision to donate. While the 2,500 works in "Fifty Works for Fifty States" embrace important American and European arts movements of the 20th century, conceptual and minimalist works are the two styles most associated with the collection.

"In minimalism, the artist works to lowest color and state," Dorothy Vogel said. "It's not very vibrant; it's a very subtle work. Conceptual art is where the idea is just as important as doing the work itself."

As each group of art was chosen to represent the greater collection, a mix of the different movements will appear in all of the states. Several artists are represented in each institution, including Richard Tuttle and Robert Barry.

"It is a very important addition to the museum," Amick said. "One thing that our director has been spending a lot of time discussing is the importance of the art in our time."

After the works are displayed as a group, the museum will integrate the works into the permanent collection and plan new exhibitions that might draw on the collections for inspiration. But even for those without an interest in modern art, the Vogels' story is engaging.

"It's such an inspirational tale of two collectors with normal backgrounds and what they were able to accomplish and how they built something of such great significance," Amick said.

While the couple's apartment still brims with art, they've stopped collecting due to Herbert's poor health. However, the pair plans to continue distributing the rest of their collection and hopes to inspire more interest in art history around the country. 

The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States exhibits through Dec. 6 at Oklahoma City Museum of Art, 415 Couch.

"?Allison Meier

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