Carell and Fey don't feel especially believable as a couple in love, but their combined comedic chops sell every gag and freak-out, no matter how ridiculous.

But the pair also pulls off a series of spot-on commentaries about married life with kids. There are several moments that feel universally genuine "? incidents that happen to parents every day, but that aren't part of the usual stock gags (for example, no one gets puked on, at least not by a child).

The combination of kooky car chases that end with multicar pileups and river-bound taxis with moments of authentic midlife angst is kind of weird, but it manages to avoid derailing the movie's comic momentum while sending a message about domesticity: You may wish for excitement, but you have to be careful what you wish for.

It may take less adventure than you think to make you wish for a night playing Legos and eating reheated pizza with a 7-year-old. "?Mike Robertson

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