In response
to the Dec. 22 letter from Jonathan Grant on his hypothetical 16 benefits of
having daylight saving time all year long in Oklahoma, I have some comments. My
favorite of Grant’s 16 benefits is No. 13. “More sunlight exposure can help
decrease the risk of at least 13 different types of cancer.” But like the other
ridiculous 15, none of the reasons on this list is supported by realistic
evidence or even an authoritative word but, rather, just myth, more mundanely
translated: bullshit.

didn’t state what is behind his effort to sway the Oklahoma Legislature with a
petition. This being Oklahoma, what Grant should do to have an outside chance
of getting his petition read is take it to the Legislature without his 16
reasons and, instead, find a few thousand people who will sign on as concretive,
Republican evangelicals who need longer days to conduct spiritual activities.
This will do it.

must point out, however, that there is a mammoth snag in this whole thing about
sunshine time. Mankind shouldn’t have ever screwed around with daylight at all.
And this has biblical support that has been overlooked by roughly everyone.

Everything to do with sunlight was installed way back in the beginning of
everything — by God. Anyone can authenticate this. It’s in the Bible. When God
said, “Let there be light,” he specified standard time — and he didn’t want
anybody messing with it, ever. Check it out.

D. Wright

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