High school coach Ray Drecker (Thomas Jane, "The Mist") still moonlights as a male prostitute to make ends meet (no pun intended). The difference in season two is that he has not one pimp, but two, with the scheming, sexy, headstrong and high-class Lenore (Rebecca Creskoff, TV's "Justified") aiming to push mousy, timid, granola-girl loser Tanya (Jane Adams, "Restless") out of the way. The pimp-vs.-pimp angle provides scads and scads of seriocomic conflict.

Forming the other point in the triangle of female chaos that is Ray's life is his unhappily remarried ex-wife (Anne Heche, "Cedar Rapids"), who realizes she wants him back, even if she's (literally) allergic to him.

Among Ray's clients, Kathryn Hahn (TV's "Free Agents") makes a strong dramatic impression in a recurring role as a very pregnant woman with no hubby in her picture. In fact, "Hung" gives women some of TV's meatiest parts (again, pun not intended), even if it asks most of them to disrobe.

Because of all this, not to mention's Jane's irresistible aloofness at playing a leading man who's not as suave as he should be, these 10 episodes of "Hung" are better than its first year, with not a dud in the bunch. So how's it hanging? Quite nicely, thanks for asking. —Rod Lott

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