Oklahoma Gazette provides an open forum for the discussion of all points of view in its Letters to the Editor section. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters for length and clarity. Letters can be mailed, faxed, emailed to pbacharach@okgazette. com or sent online at okgazette.com, but include a city of residence and contact number for verification.

Incomplete ‘grade’

I was disappointed in the content of an article appearing in the Oct. 17 Oklahoma Gazette (News, “Degrading the grade”). I am particularly concerned about a quotation attributed to me (“it’s just about too much to ask”) followed by words that are a misrepresentation of my position and expectations for the academic growth of students.

If presented within context, my message is that “for some students within the lowest quartile of test takers who have serious handicapping conditions, ‘it is just about too much to ask” that they be held to the standard — the numerical gradient of growth — expected of the general population of students. Given the severe handicapping conditions that affect some of our lowest academic achievers, even a more modest level of achievement may be a stretch.”

—David Goin Edmond

Goin is superintendent of Edmond Public Schools.

It’s Pat!

Re: “Say my name” by Clifton Adcock (News, Oct. 17, Gazette):

Judge Bill Graves, My spouse, Pat, started growing larger breasts and
won’t let me see his/ her genitals. We met online. I think (s) he duped
me. Please help.

Signed, Sam P.S.: We have a cat named Dog, and a dog named Cat. Does God hate us?

—Thomas Bowman Oklahoma City

Why not move already?

After reading Robin Meyers’ commentary, “An embarrassment of a senator” (Oct. 3, Gazette), I
wonder why he chooses to live in Oklahoma. A more liberal state like
Caleeefornia, Oregon or Washington would consider him a state treasure.
To think humans could alter the climate is hubris at its most significant.

—Tom Furlong Oklahoma City

kool-aid’s global warming flavor

Meyers (Commentary, “An embarrassment of a senator”) can be foolish
enough to drink the man-made global warming Kool-Aid if he wants, but he
would be well advised to take some courses in historical geology.

fellow graduate geologist I know believes that Mother Nature plays, by
far and away, the most important role with regard to the fate of our
planet and universe. This is especially evident before man made his

Now then,
Robin may have 16,000 ministers, movie actors and Occupy Wall Street
types supporting his view, but I have seen (and signed) a petition
containing signatures of more than 16,000 degreed scientists in such
fields as chemistry, astrophysics, geology, astronomy and so forth, who
do not believe man is causing global warming.

like Robin can cause severe economic harm and hardship for their fellow
human beings if their rants are followed before they are exposed for
following false prophets.

makes waste, and foolish decisions need to be avoided before all of the
facts are evaluated with regard to man-made global warming or other
environmental concerns.

—Mickey McVay Edmond

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