Oklahoma Gazette provides an open forum for the discussion of all points of view in its Letters to the Editor section. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters for length and clarity. Letters can be mailed, faxed, emailed to pbacharach@okgazette. com or sent online at okgazette.com, but include a city of residence and contact number for verification.

Distribute the dollars

There should be a legal way to make the Oklahoma City Community Foundation pay all survivors of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (News, Clifton Adcock, “A Closer Look,” Nov. 21, Oklahoma Gazette) money that had been collected for the survivors. I believe OCCF misrepresented telling people it could donate to those in the bombing. Then, after getting the money, the head of the fund and friends made up the rules with no intent to distribute it. That should be illegal.

It’s all politics and Gov. Mary Fallin should be ashamed of herself for not doing what is right and finding a way to get this money distributed to survivors.

And OCCF should be taken to court to make it happen.

—Jane Graham Oklahoma City

Fearless appreciation

I wanted to commend Rod Lott on what a good read the article on the “Norman noir” Stark Fear (Film, “Fear itself,” Nov. 28, Gazette) was.

Oh, I could go on to say how wonderful it is to be reassured that fellow Okies faithfully carry decent works to fuller fruition despite the disparagement of early indicators ... or something. But mostly it’s good that writers, editors, publishers and sponsors are available to observe that truth and distribute it to businesses who graciously pass it on to their customers.

— J. Hubbard Oklahoma City

A brand of fanaticism

Scott Pruitt says that fighting federal officials may be the most important role he plays as Oklahoma’s attorney general!

Apparently, our esteemed state attorney general cut history
class. Mr. Pruitt, the feds won the Civil War; your righteous effort to
challenge the federal government is akin to pissing in the wind.

concern about the infringement on individual liberties or state rights
is ridiculous considering the more pressing issues that concern us all.

all need clean air and affordable health care. Coal-powered power
plants emit tons of toxic mercury. Natural gas and more federal
regulations are the future.

brand of fanaticism in the name of righteousness is both malevolent and
dangerous. Perpetuating illusion and hate is not the job of Oklahoma’s
attorney general. We should approach all our problems with a reverence
for what the heavens will reveal, rather than the arrogance of power and

—Tom Walker Oklahoma City


subtitle on the cover of the Dec. 5 issue incorrectly stated that
Oklahomans of the World War II generation pass away at the rate of 740 a
day. That rate is nationwide. The same story misidentified this year’s
Pearl Harbor anniversary; it was the 71st. In another story, MAPS 3 was
erroneously designated in one instance as MAPS 5.
Oklahoma Gazette regrets the errors.

Opinions expressed on
the commentary page, in letters to the editor and elsewhere in this
newspaper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of ownership or management.

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