MAINSITE spotlights work of two varying female artists

Artists take many different paths on their way to unearthing inspiration for their work, and an upcoming exhibit at MAINSITE Contemporary Art features two differing routes: one obsessive, the other intuitive.

Dorothy Moses' collection, titled "Intuition Inspiration Perspiration," is a series of portraits and abstracts that started with background and grew organically from there. She paints from feeling, not even knowing what the subject will look like going into the painting.

"I usually lay in the background, let the background come out and then, usually, some idea will come to mind," Moses said. "They are happenings, being in the moment, cutting out the world and going into yourself and watching something develop."

Ruth Borum's collection, "The Contortionist's Daughter," centers around distorted female figures with details, patterns and styles intentionally replicated throughout. She has a number of different "threads" going, where she experiments with one idea until she feels that idea has run its route.

"I have one thing and I wear it out," Borum said. "I do it over and over, and then move on to the next thing or add another element. Being young and being an artist, there is a pressure to do it all, but I'm still learning how to paint and want to see how it naturally progresses."

 "?Charles Martin

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