Oklahoma City college student engages in beach-blanket protesto

So, how did most college students spend their spring break? Padre Island is usually popular, or skiing in Colorado. How about Florida, or visiting Grandma at the lake? Even hanging out the local mall could seem like a relief from tests and essay papers.


But not for Susan Mills. The pre-engineering student at Oklahoma City Community College found a better way to get a tan and feel like she was accomplishing something. Her strategy? Lay out in front of the steps at the state Capitol and demand an end to lobbyists' gifts. Sounds great; tap the keg.


She enticed the media by sending out a press release claiming reporters and photographers could find her on the south steps of the Capitol "clad in a swimsuit." But with temperatures only hovering in the 50s, a spaghetti-string top and khaki shorts had to do. And she was usually wrapped in a beach towel.


Nevertheless, the sun was out and so was her sunscreen. As Mills sat there reading a book, echoes of Chicago in 1968 must have stirred through the air. Speaking with members of the press as photographers positioned for the best lounging protest photo,


Mills put out a call that rang out like a Teamsters chant: "If you know any spring breakers, have them come down here and hang out with me," she said from behind her shades.


Yes, all for the cause of stopping lawmakers from accepting gifts from lobbyists. Nothing says "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" like sunscreen and a cooler.

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