We’ve got trouble in Oklahoma City.

Trouble with a capital “T.” And that rhymes with “P” and that stands for “pool”!

No, but seriously. Who knew “The Music Man” was right all along?

This classy story comes to us from NewsOK.com. We’ll give you a few minutes to put on your fanciest readin’ glasses before we continue.

Ready? OK. At about 1:45 a.m. on Jan. 16, two men allegedly beat up a 12-year-old boy and his father outside Slick Willie’s pool hall. Yup. Like we said, classy.

Two men also shooting pool got into an argument with the father and followed the duo outside, according to NewsOK. com. The two men, 29-year-old Robert Earl Cooper II and 30-year-old Toby Joe Longacre, allegedly attacked daddy dearest by knocking him to the ground and then kicking and hitting him.

Then, they turned on the boy, according to witnesses, and allegedly punched him and then knocked the youngster to the ground, too. And when a third person attempted to intervene, they turned on that guy, too. Jeez! It’s just pool!

The cops broke up the outdoor pool hall brawl and arrested Cooper and Longacre. The two were booked on complaints of public drunkenness and assault and battery. (No! Surely there wasn’t alcohol involved in this altercation!) They were recently released from county jail.

So what can we take away from this, dear readers? Obviously, we need a marching band. That’s the only thing that can stop the inherent debauchery of pool.

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