University of Oklahoma suspend gun-toting spirit members

It's hard to believe that some members of one of the great traditions of University of Oklahoma football will be a no-show for a while. According to reports, the university banned current members of the RUF/NEKS spirit group from official university events for " this may come as a shock " evidence of breaking alcohol rules and hazing.


Holy Humphrey Bogart! Football-crazed college boys who carry shotguns to sporting events got the boot just because they allegedly have a few drinks and jab some of their young Padawans for a few laughs? That reminds our intern, Bucky, of the CFN hazing rituals.


The boys once known for red corduroy shirts and white pants with upside-down longhorn steers sewn on their britches allegedly were getting a bit out of hand with the liquor and lads. The "spirit" group was investigated by the school's Office of Judicial Services. (Oh, yeah, with a name like that, you've gotta wonder if your diploma's in jeopardy.) The investigators found hazing evidence via sleep deprivation (college students not sleeping? this story just gets more shocking), physical exhaustion and demeaning actions. Officials claim these actions had the "potential for physical harm."


But those shotguns they carry to each game, no potential harm there.


What did the grand, old pooh-bah of OU say?


"The university has standards, and we are going to hold groups to those standards," OU President David Boren said. "We will not tolerate any group that doesn't respect the safety, dignity and well-being of individual students."


Seriously, people, anyone who has been around OU football longer than a gnat's life knows about the RUF/NEKS and can make a pretty good guess what it takes to become a member. Allegations against the group for alcohol use and hazing are about as startling as learning state Rep. Randy Terrill doesn't eat at Mexican restaurants.


Alumni and pledges can still carry on the traditions this semester.


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