Chicken-Fried News once knew a guy who had a problem getting his young son to keep the stream of urine inside the toilet ... until the enterprising dad threw a handful of Cheerios into the bowl and told his kid to “sink ’em.” Problem solved!

That’s a much cheaper method than BowlsEye, Oklahoma City entrepreneur Guy Donohue’s idea to capitalize on men’s deficiency with aim. His “innovative new product” is a literal target that attaches to the side of the toilet bowl.

“Bottom line: Moms, wives and janitors hate to clean urine off the floor, rim and sides of the toilet,” said Steven Newlon, marketing officer for BowlsEye, in a press release (no pun intended).

Wherever did Donohue get such an idea? One may say it came from his bladder. As Donohue tells it, “I got the idea one night after having
to go to the restroom, and noticed the urine splash. It sounds gross,
because it is; that’s why I had to do something about it. I spent seven
years researching, developing and patenting the product.”

hopes interested parties have enough coins tinkling around to amount to
$24.90, the cost to have one BowlsEye shipped to your porcelain — er,
porch. We hate to take the piss out of Donohue’s dreams, but we’re
pinching pennies, so we’ll stick with a few pieces of toasted,
whole-grain oat cereal.

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