Moviegoers often read a review and wonder if the reviewer saw the same film.  Rod Lott's "Salt" review ("Out of its element," July 28, Gazette) displays why moviegoers ask what was seen versus what was read. 

"Salt" shows "sleeper agents" created and maneuvered into society until activation. Real life versus reel life, sleepers exist and 9/11 only is a recent example. 

The film shows that a sleeper may awaken with a different awareness. "Salt" argues that emotional deprivation is a two-way street: that a human robot can be more human than a robot. Your reviewer missed that point entirely, perhaps being distracted while phone texting.

The real problem is the ending (spoiler alert). Evelyn Salt escapes to seek revenge against other sleepers. But the president survives attack by another sleeper, and thus knows Salt is no enemy agent, the contrivance meant only to generate a sequel. With $71 million earned in 10 days, "Salt" is no loser. Alas, your reviewer had tastes for McDonald's rather than Spago.

"Russell Bates

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